I recently realized that that I’ve done a number of stupid things over the past year and, frankly...in my life. So you could imagine my relief when I drove past the latest Diesel Campaign on my way to work (most likely while texting and running a yellow light).
“Be Stupid.”
Somebody endorsing stupid? I had to know more.
Out of the thousands of advertisements I’m exposed to daily, (not to mention working at an ad agency) why was it that these two words sparked my interest enough to not only investigate the situation further, but to then go on and share it with you lovely people?
Because, like me, these words are not stupid at all. In fact, they’re brilliant.
Diesel’s latest integrated campaign evangelizes stupidity across untraditional platforms preaching the ways of a joyous, fulfilling, stupid life. Because what is being stupid, really? It’s acting on impulse. It’s taking risks, dreaming the impossible, and following your heart. Sure, stupid may lead to some awkward mornings and a set of crutches for 6 weeks, but in the grand scheme of life, stupidity is one the greatest characteristics we can have.
This campaign does not speak to everyone. In fact, from what I’ve gathered, it actually pisses a lot of people off. More aptly put, not everyone is… with stupid. There is an immediate moment of self-reflection or rejection of the campaign creating an unsettling tension. And although shock value lives most predominantly in the fashion world of marketing, this stupid girl believes that this is just the kind of charming irreverence our society could use more of.
Check out Diesel’s "Be Stupid" anthem video here.
Music: WeHaveBand
I find these words to be inspiring, so I took the liberty of transcribing the visual lyrics into a blank verse, unrhymed, iambic pentameter. Stupid? I think not.
like balloons we are filled with hopes and dreams
but over time one single sentence creeps into our lives... don't be stupid.
it's the crusher of possibility.
it's the world's greatest deflator.
the world is full of smart people doing all kinds of smart things.
that's smart.
well, we're with stupid.
stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret free life.
smart may have the brains but stupid has the balls.
smart recognizes things for how they are. stupid recognizes things for how they could be.
smart critiques. stupid creates.
the fact is if we didn't have stupid thoughts, we'd have no interesting thoughts at all.
smart may have the plans but stupid has the stories.
smart may have the authority but stupid has the one hell of a hangover.
It's not smart to take risks, it's stupid.
to be stupid, is to be brave.
stupid isn't afraid to fail.
stupid knows there are worse things than failure.
like not even trying.
smart had one good idea and that idea was stupid.
you can't outsmart stupid so don't even try.
remember, only stupid can be truly brilliant.
so be stupid!
I posted a few shots from the campaign below, but you can check out the whole campaign here.